Tuesday, October 11, 2011

mix {day one}

it's finally night. we're finally in bed.

i know we'll stay up, talking about this and that and maybe laughing and maybe crying. we've already done both, and there's time for more.

EPCOT  was today. it was hot and sweaty and full of blisters and maybe a bit too much whining from us both.

but there was also 

and giggles 
and so much delicious foreign food 
and so many pictures taken with a camera that kept letting the batteries slip out again and again.

 and we're okay with that. 

because it was the first day. 

the first day of six. the calm before the storm of crafting programs and sharpening a hundred tiny pencils and arranging last minute bits of this and that. 

six days until my best friend becomes a Mrs. 

today we held hands and cried. i cried for one reason, and she another. it's okay though. because it's just day one. 

short and sweet in its incredible longness. 

we like this, her and i

this life of change and conundrums and wishing wells. aching feet and blisters and giggling over our traditional picture strips taken in a tiny cramped photobooth for a ridiculous $5 that was too much but just right. 

Alex is getting married. and i'm doing this with her. holding her up, like she's holding me.

it's a two-way street, this wedding. the joining of zach and alex in holy matrimony. 

and this joining of friends to sisters. maid of honour and bride into fellow pathfinders. 

this mix of short and sweet and long.

this mix of perfect. 


  1. i LOVE this. it reads just like a poem. your wording and stuff is absolutely delightful. i'm glad you're having such a good time with your bff. i know you needed a getaway. :) Epcot is fun. i was really young the first time i went...still remember it, though. and yes, it's always hot. :P i hope all of your other days are very beautiful and happy and restorative.

  2. So lovely! I am sure it will be a beautiful journey (and wedding!).


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon