The past is complicated.
There's only so much about the past that we actually want to dwell on; but even then, those few bits and pieces are tricky to deal with at times.
How many of us look back over our lives and wish that we had done things differently?
How often are our hearts flooded with "what if..."s and second guesses?
Is this why the idea of time travel is so appealing?
The idea that maybe...just maybe...we could leap through the threads of time and make a different choice...
For some people, the idea is intoxicating. For others, the idea has never even entered their minds.
It's all in how you look at it, I suppose.
The past is part of who we are. It's the stones that make up the road that we have passed over in our journey of existence.
Those old relationships...those moments we wish we could take back...those choices we desperately wish to re-do...it's all part of the masterplan, set in motion by the One who holds our past and future in His hands.
Is it always easy to look back?
Are there times we catch ourselves standing on that cliff, looking over the mist-shrouded mountains of our future, and find our gaze drifting backwards to glimpse the past moments?
Is the past important? More than we will ever know. It's what got us here.
The past is the tool of God to move us forward...
...it's not perfect.
But it is precious.
Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare. ~Psalm 40:5