Monday, April 15, 2013

upward gaze ::

{via pinterest}
i've decided to stop looking down
because all that's down there is grass and dirt and my feet and the path less traveled. 

and He's not underground anymore, because He's risen and now sits among the stars. and i'm going to spend my hours in the stars this spring. no more shame with downcast eyes and hesitant steps that aren't exactly sure, that aren't exactly steadfast. 

now that she's back in the atmosphere
with drops of Jupiter in her hair
she acts like summer and walks like rain
reminds me that there's a time for change ::
drops of jupiter // train

people are living on the "even the..." too much these days, while i'm rubbing the eraser over those words until they disintegrate into thin rubber strands on the paper and get brushed away as far as the East is from the West. 

i'm resolving and loving regardless. and that includes loving you in the skin you're in, and looking past sex and race and orientation because those are words but they're are who you are, too. because He didn't stop and pass out checkboxes just to make sure the crowds were lovable before He stretched out His arms and poured out pints and pints of redeeming blood. 

so why do i?

so no more looking at the crowds with pointed fingers, Church-Bride. no more figures where faces should be. see the dove daughters and rainbow hued sons and paint-streaked kings and offbeat queens, just like He did. 

and that means loving you too. it means loving me like i'm worthy of His death and rising and loving and sword to the throat of Hell for me, oh all for me. and for you. and them.

:: amen.
so let it be.


  1. wow. this is powerfully and brilliantly written. thank you for being so honest and vulnerable. people need your words. i'm glad you shared them.

  2. If we spent as much time loving as we do judging, the world would be a different place.

  3. "to make sure the crowds were lovable" - I am so glad He didn't just come for the easily lovable:) - raising these boys in a boy-downing culture drives that point home even more - society judges, community judges - even family judges - but He just loves us - doesn't give up on us - meaty message in your beautiful poetry Rachel!

  4. Thanks girl, from someone who has been looking down too much.

  5. oh, i could fill this box with words.
    so well done, Rachel. such a message we need to saturate us to the point of overflow.
    thank you, thank you. thank you for seeing beyond the tidy little boxes and labels and "-isms." thank you for daringly looking deeper into the "why are you" that always stands behind the "what are you."
    love this more than i can say. you are a very wise woman.


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon