there is a risk of retreating when i should be warring, a risk of withdrawing when i should be clinging. of all the times in my life, this is the time to be seeking Him with fire in my veins and passion in my soul.
this is the time to seek the sacred, to walk the path of the King closer than ever before.
and so i'm undertaking my first 31 Days.
:: thirty-one days of sacred, seeking motherhood ::
i'm not sure what i'll find, or what i'll become, or what i'll uncover while i undertake this. i will not shut out the Light in the time i need illumination the most.
i cannot live without Him in the best of times and in the easiest of moments...oh, how i grasp Him now.
:: my ship is in unfamiliar seas ::
:: my Anchor is my salvation ::
and so with Marian in my arms and the Lion's breath at my back, i'm inhaling life.
// i'm uncovering sacred in motherhood //