Tuesday, January 1, 2013

in which i release

{via pinterest}
i was awake at midnight this year. surrounded by family and friends and so much food and laughter. and at the stroke of 2013, my father in law raised a glass and bowed his head. and in the silence that this prayer brought, Heaven's breath fell on my ear.

and my OneWord365 for 2013 was confirmed.

:: release :: 
to free from confinement, bondage, pain
to let go

i've been striving upward and onward, you see. chasing Aslan's breath before i knew fully what i was chasing. i sought Him, and He sought me. 

but there is luggage. trunks and suitcases, all with labels affixed to them that gnaw and tear at my soul. words like shame and regret and mistakes and broken and guilt. and these are things i know all too well, because i packed them up myself when i started out. and slowly, i have added to them. twenty-two years of neatly folded bundles of brokenness. 

but this is the year for renewal. this is the year for release. the year for freedom. 

back in June, i wrote real beauty // you are not fat. this was the iceberg's tip into the shame and insecurities that i carry back with me from my early years. and now i have a little one, a child with fairy-blue eyes and the strength of a young warrioress with a song to be heard. and i will not allow my shame to crush her light, to bear her down before she has even begun. 

and so i'm leaning over the cliff with suitcase wide open and tears gushing down my face as i scream to the One who knows before i speak
{via pinterest}

You can have it all. 
it's far too heavy for me. 

and i won't deny, i'm afraid. there's a lot there, a lot of unpacking to do. and there's more than just the bad things, you know. there are good things too, lumped in with the rest. there's half-finished canvases smeared with black not-good-enoughs and dreamcatchers smashed and twisted. 

but i'm releasing. and He's going to fix them, restore them. they will be drenched in the blood of the One who broke for my wholeness. 

and i will be made new. 

i don't have time to maintain these regrets when i think about
the way
oh, how He loves


  1. so beautiful! Happy New Year to you and your family xo

  2. love this. and as hard as it may be. . . i think you will do it well.

  3. rachel! it's so good to see you blogging again! happy new year, darling! also, more pictures of your sweet, lovely baby girl?? I would love to see how she's grown!

  4. The way you can put the heart, and the thirst for Christ into words is brilliant! I too have much to look forward to, but as always presuppositions and the thing we carry around that we shouldn't hold us back from seeing and living in His light.

  5. amen and amen. i'm singing freedom songs with you and over you. let it go, sister. may your heart be free indeed, beautiful one. (i've missed it here.)happy, holy, whole new year. xo

  6. Beautiful post!

    Epiphany is my word for 2013. I'm excited to see God revealed in new ways in the coming year.


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon