Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ink of wait.

(via Belinda @ Pintrest)
it's nothing really.

nothing worth mentioning

but i'm scared.

i feel like i've said this before.

i'm scared of all this newness that is me. i'm scared of this rebirth that is being thrust against me 

time and 
time and 
time and 

you have so much talent. you're wasting it here. why don't you follow your friends to university? 

the three years worth of familial well-meaning words cut like the lies mixed with truth that they are...

because really i'm not wasting anything.

why don't i go? i'm not called.

but i have wasted nothing.

this is rebirth, i would say. and it's painful.

and oh, how afraid i am

that this might all be loss. all be shame. having to turn and face them all again saying 

i was wrong. He was wrong.

what solace to know that this will never happen.

He is not wrong. 

He is never wrong. 

if His voice speaks wait a while

then wait i must. 

this is writing. this is pouring out my soul like ink upon faded parchment pages. 

this is nothing i regret. 

this is not waste. 

this is wait.

Linking up with Emily at Imperfect Prose on Thursdays
This is my weekly song

Also, please don't forget to enter my August giveaway. (Ends on August 31st). 


  1. Most definetly praying for you! :) For peace and direction.
    God Bless .


  2. May you continue to trust what you know deep in your heart.

  3. let it grow, give it is ok to be scared....most big changes in my life has come with fear and excitement...

  4. The amazing thing is that it's okay to wait. To be afraid, confused, or worried, and to pour that out to God and give it to him--wait for his timing. This was beautiful, Rachel. It's so good to see you're trusting God even when it's hard to see the bigger plan.

    Also, I had a question: did you send out the July giveaway item I won? Because now that it's nearly the end of August, I'm beginning to wonder about it since I haven't received it yet. Just wondering. =)

  5. I got your comment, and yes I did receive the necklace. It's lovely! :)


  6. waiting is a good thing ... it's jumping in that is dangerous :)

  7. This was moving and very beautiful. You do have a gift here and I'm glad that you are following it. I am 46 years old and am only now listening to the voice inside!

    I love your music..but i have one thought. I found it a little distracting to the words I was reading. I have a hard time reading with background noise. Just a thought. You could put it as a video link that is optional?

  8. blessings to you in the waiting! grow. :)

  9. He is never wrong.

    Even when we are scared, it has no bearing on His what He has said, on how He has called us.

    You are following Him and within that, you can never be wrong.

  10. Beautiful. I have several family members who are college professors, so I am often criticized for not going to college -yet. I loved your last words, and copied them down. Thank you.

  11. following HIM is never a waste. and i would say the wait is always worth it. blessings to you as you continue to wait on Him and seek Him in all you are doing.

  12. yes to obedience and waiting and tuning out the voices that call us from the Way. grace and peace in the waiting.

  13. wow. how this encourages me, friend. thank you.

  14. He is never wrong. Trust is tough to have.

  15. Waiting, especially when waiting is contrary to the world's wisdom, is so hard. Thank you for the reminder that God is never wrong. I've struggled with that as I wait for His plan to be revealed.

  16. These words are so raw, real, and beautiful. =)
    Thank you for pouring your heart out onto the virtual page.

    He is never wrong. So very true.
    Keep trusting Him and the future that He has planned for you.


  17. "He is never wrong." Thank you for being obedient to wait, even when others try to convince you to move. And thank you for sharing here...your words are beautiful! This resounded with me today and gave me chills! :)

    --Sadee @


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon