Sunday, February 26, 2012

shekhinah motherhood

{via pinterest}
i have a new adventure.

i have started a mommy blog. i still cannot believe it myself. it's a new corner of the world for me, a place where i can write about my thoughts solely regarding pregnancy and this coming child.

and i want you all to share in this. i will most certainly still be writing here, hopefully more often as my body levels out and my mind clears itself. the Lion and i are drawing closer, and things are settling into peace now.

strivings do cease in His shadow. 

shekhina hmotherhood is my new i am practicing the presence of God as i walk down this path of pregnancy, motherhood, and eventually, cradling this child in my arms.

this firstborn of mine, this gift from God to be given back to God. these are the ponderings of my heart, this Mary-like attitude that overwhelms me as i discern what to share and what to treasure.

and so i am writing in two places now, and perhaps this may seem insane or too much. but we will see how things go, as weeks shorten and days become brighter. this child is coming soon, and i want to know and understand my mind in days to come when i look back and remember.

find me here, as always. but find me there now, too.


  1. You are going to be ( and already are with your baby growing in you) an amazing mama. I am a lurker but know that I read your every post. You have such a gift with words.

  2. nice....birth is def quite the adventure...and a huge time of will change your life in many ways...i dont say that to scare but it does...i know it was a huge growing time for me...and my chronicling that journey i think will def be good for you...

    great to see you as well...smiles...i can not always comment as the word verification does not work on some computers...


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon