Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely un-happen." ~Edward de Bono

I never set out to be a blogger.

Or maybe I did.

I'm still honestly not sure.

Like I've said in previous posts, this blog is actually the third in a string of online attempts to start some sort of place in which to ramble, think, and process my life...

...not counting my now ancient and long-untouched Xanga and Myspace pages...and yes, I did just date myself and make myself feel incredibly old for almost 21, but that's beside the point.

I never wanted to be one of those bloggers...those that penned their every waking movement and each step they took into an online play-by-play. The same goes for my Facebook...breakfast food choices or private boy-girl-best friend-off and on again drama are simply not topics for public display.

I was only going to post a few mental thoughts, maybe a paper napkin poem or two...maybe I'd post, maybe I wouldn't. Maybe I would share this place with my friends, or I might just keep it to myself forever.


I seem to have accidentally become a blogginista.

I have the sweetest and most precious of friends that I have never met, and yet seem to know me so well.

I have fallen prey to faithfully reading "famous blogs," such as AspireOf Horsefeathers, and (life is too short not to) wear red shoes, marveling at their following and longing to be like them one day.

I've started carrying my laptop everywhere, and caught myself overwhelmed with excitement..."I have to blog that!"

I've fallen in love with my corner of the internet.

I draw my heart on my sleeve, and write my dreams up and down my arms.

I'm not writing down every little moment.

But this dramatically elegant gypsy is making her own memories.

Keystroke by keystroke.

Post by post.

Minute by minute.

As I felt the even tide / Deep in my shallow dreams.  / And then, when the empress run aground,  / And my eyes turned blue and green, / I heard a gorgeous sound, / And that's when it became a dream, / When the sky fell in, / When the hurricanes came for me, / I could finally crash again, / And that's how I became the sea. ~Owl City, How I Became the Sea


  1. *Sigh*
    I love blogging. And it's a relationship I would trade for few things, because of the relationships I've made and built through it!
    I'm sure we would all be bereft if you didn't have a blog: it certainly is one of the brightest spots of *my* day! Keep on writing, bloginista!

  2. And I look forward to your daily posts. Thank you.

  3. Blogging is a wonderful thing. It has become a passion on mine and something that I love doing. And it's a blessing to come across blogginistas like you. I can't wait to see you join the "famous blogs" one day!

  4. You are all so lovely and sweet. :)

    @IC: That comment made me feel so honoured.

    @Grace: I wouldn't have met you, my lovely penpal, without this blog. <3

    @Jemimah: Aww, thank you! It's something to aspire to, that's for sure!

  5. Beautiful reason to blog. Thanks for viewing MY reason to blog, and hopefully you will make more discoveries about yourself in the future. Xoxo flor

  6. your blog is lovely. :-)

    i wanted to tell you that you look like the perfect mixture of rachel weisz and kate winslet. very exotic. :-)

    keep writing and making your memories. <3

  7. @Rain: That is a truly incredible compliment, coming from someone as amazing and beautiful as you. Thank you!

    @Flor: Thank you so much...I loved your post, as well! =)


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon