Monday, July 11, 2011

gifts {1-7}

I have learned to cease my despising of Mondays.

Yes, for the majority of the world (myself included), Mondays are the bane of our existence.

Back to work. Back to school. Back to the daily grind of all things "weekday"...the departure from the simple restfulness that is the weekend.

Monday's seem to capture all the unspoken troubles of weekends past, and transform them into some doubly horrific and unbearably stressful.

I understand this. I have lived through countless Mondays in my 20 years, and I know I have many more to come. In fact, I struggle with allowing myself to sink into depression at the state of the week, becoming overwhelmed with all I have faced, and that which I have yet to endure in the days ahead.

But I am changing my focus...redirecting my viewpoint from my weary feet and upwards toward the Cross.

So for me, and for this blog, Mondays will now be our time to take in the gifts that the King has brought upon us.

1,000 of them, to be exact. Perhaps only two or three, perhaps more than a dozen at a time. Each Monday, I will count my one thousand and perhaps even beyond.

  1. The lovely roll of thunder to which I awoke
  2. The sweet familiar smell of my pillow beneath my head
  3. Sweet puppy kisses on my toes, and golden eyes looking up at me with love as I write
  4. The discovery of IZZE at a local convinience store, almost 60 miles closer than I thought
  5. A loving text from someone I hold dear, reminding me once again that I am not alone, that I am not fighting this uphill battle alone
  6. The stunning melody of instrumental piano on a friend's blog, which currently fills my ears as I compose this post. 
  7. Awakening to read Isaiah 43:2-3, and inhaling the promise of my Savior's enduring love as thought it was the most perfect and delicate of perfumes. 

Mondays are full of all things beautiful, just as are the other days of the week. In fact, Monday is the ribbon on the package that is a new week. 

When the first rays of sun dawn on a Monday, it is the first tug of that parcel binding. When the thunder rolls, it is God tearing open the paper, revealing a new beginning, without a single mistake upon the page. 

This idea was inspired by the beautiful and delightfully outspoken Sarah and her lovely corner of the internet: Emerging Mummy...and what a thought it was. To reach beyond the veil and touch the face of receive His love instead of casting down makeshift curses. 

And that is where I shall begin. Pen in hand, my Beloved King at my side, and new mercies as the dawn. 

I encourage each of you to do the same. There is no button for this specific tag of any kind. But the prize? The prize is greater than any giveaway I could ever concoct. 

The prize is joy. Peace. Delight. Blessing. 

The chance to take a long, slow breath...if only for just this one moment. 

Happy Monday, my loves. 

This day is not a curse... is a new beginning...

...the ultimate blessing. 

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.” ~Lamentations 2:22-24


  1. This reminds me of two things:
    1. That I'm glad I actually like Mondays.
    2. The quote from Anne of Green Gables that goes "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet."
    Both are very encouraging (I think the former is only comforting to me, though!). I wish we all remembered to count our blessings. Has it ever struck you how little we would have if God were to suddenly take away all of the blessings he gives us that we forget to thank Him for? We'd be empty handed and hopeless!!

  2. Thank you for encouraging me to rethink Mondays!

    Happy Monday, my loves.

    This day is not a curse... is a new beginning...

    ...the ultimate blessing.

    LOVE IT!

    I visited your blog at my son's recommendation. You are super creative and this is such a sweet spot :) Blessings! (Davin Harding's mom :)

  3. @Grace: I don't know how you like Mondays, but I am learning to embrace what I have been given.

    @Jess: I'm so glad you think so! :) I can't wait to see what God uses me and this concept for in the long run.

    @Lori: Your son is a JOY and has always made me smile! Please tell him thank you, and that he is missed by me! Thank you for reading, and I'm SO glad you like my little corner!

  4. Great post! :) It's a wonderful, encouraging reminder.
    Keep up the amazing blog.
    In Christ,


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon