Saturday, August 6, 2011


Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern; it will come out a rose by and by.  Life is like that - one stitch at a time taken patiently and the pattern will come out all right like the embroidery.  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

I am not a seamstress.

Not by any stretch of the imagination.

People often ask me why I don't have a shop on Etsy. While I do have an Etsy account, I tell them that I could never have a shop because my gifts are not something you can sell.

I cannot bottle my voice, sell my poetry as a garment, or send some moment in theater baked into a lump of divine chocolate goodness.

All of that to say, I cannot sew.

I was not one of those homeschooled girls who threw herself into the world of fiber, needles, and intricate stitching. It just never interested me all that much, despite how hard my grandmother tried to lure me into the magical land of her sewing room.

I wanted to like fascinated me, but i never found myself called into this world like so many others.

But yesterday, all that changed.

I went to the store and made a few small purchases: five yards of red and white satin, needles, pins, two spools of thread, and a small spool of black ribbon.

I sat down on the floor, took a deep breath, and proceeded to spend the next eighteen hours in the world of the seamstress.

And finally, from the ashes of well-poked fingers and sore hands,

...from staying up until 2am to the welcome accompaniment of the fourth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

...a beautiful two-sided superhero cape was born.

I could not be more proud of my pattern-less creation...for all of its lopsided and crooked stitching, random moments of gathered lumps, and maybe one or two blood drops from my own battle wounds.

And as I stared at this creation...once only a pile of fabric and miscellaneous materials, now something wonderful and beautiful...I heard the whisper of my King.

See. I am making all things new. 

See, I am making you new. 

You are My creation. 

You are beautiful. You are perfect. You are Mine.

And oh, how I love you. 

I am His creation. He poured labour into me. He poured all of Himself into me...yes, even His blood. 

And I am His. 

And He gazes on me with pride. 

I see crooked stitches.

He makes my way straight.

Stitch by stitch.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." ~Isaiah 43:19


  1. such a beautiful view on the sewing! He has given you an amazing gift with words. i try to write, but yours is so, so good! someday, i would adore it if i could meet you :)

  2. *highfive* Yay for homeschoolers who don't sew! :D
    I wish I could sew, but I have no patience for that. I just alter my clothing with this magical thing called scissors.

  3. I try to sew, but I'm pretty bad at it. Unfortunately, my Mum is one of those stereotype homeschool moms who thinks she a failure if her daughter can't sew. I'm not kidding, she has be doing two sewing courses and is thinking about a third. >.< I can knit and crochet though, and that rather makes up for my lack of sewing...ability. Although the fact that both mum and my grandma are wonderful at sewing does not help my case. Alas and alack. :D I'll just show them this post next time I get bugged about sewing.

  4. yeah, i'm not a seamstress either. not by any stretch of the imagination. i dabbled when i was younger, and then decided it simply was NOT for me. i crochet some, though. or i have. in the past when i had more if this elusive thing called time. anyway...lovely thoughts, as usual. i love your ability to take something like...sewing...and turn it into a beautiful metaphor pointing to our Father. :)

  5. I SO hearted this. We are made to create – because we are made in his image – even though the image is marred right now – it won't always be – and we still create – because he created us – and he creates. I'm sure what you made is full of awesome – full of win. And what you created with your words and pictures today – that is full of awesome to. I think God hearts it when we create – and when that creation points us back to him. This pointed me to him. Thank you. And God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours this day Rachel!

  6. I was also one of those homeschoolers that never learned to sew. :) I attempt it now and again but with many of those crooked stitches. This post really encouraged me today. Thank you for using your words to minister to us.


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon