Friday, November 11, 2011

sacred conversations

{via pinterest}
ever since my dear rain wrote this post, i've had my eyes open.

every place i go, i study the people who surround me.

do i know you?

i catch myself staring now, perhaps more than i should. 

and i'm overwhelmed with soul

did i forget that we all had one, this thing of soul? that strangers have stories too? 

have i simply been ignoring? 

i want to know you
because i know Him. 

i go to Him in prayer a lot. prayers of gratitude, broken pleas for want and need. 

but i forgot that we can have conversations about the day. i can come to Him and sit at His feet and just talk.

just communing. 

God and i have been conversing a great deal lately. 

on tuesday, i wrote about my encounter with meeting broken eyes, in finding honour where shame tends to resides. 

it's becoming a theme

a symphony of sacredness, of humility at the foot of this splintered blood-stained cross. 

what are you seeking? 
are you daring to converse with the King of Kings?


  1. you say so, so much in such few words. i envy this trait. yes, i am daring to converse with this King, because He is also gentle, as a Shepherd. He calls me princess and pulls me close and says, "speak child. My ears are always open to you." i love that about Him.

  2. Such a challenging, enlightening post. Thank you for the constant reminders. "i want to know you because I know Him."

  3. "I want to know you because i want to know Him." Mother Teresa says we should see every person as jesus

  4. ever since i was a child, i would sometimes look at strangers and think to myself, God knows them as well as He knows me. it's a good reminder and definitely helps to see people through the eyes of Jesus. beautifully written post.

  5. Echoing Shanda's comment...and Matthew unto each one.

  6. A beautiful reminder, Rachel. Looking deeper takes deliberation. I want to be more intentional in this life too. Thank you for this encouragement to look up and look around.


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon