Saturday, September 24, 2011


autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  ~Albert Camus

it's autumn now.

for a day and a half, it's been autumn. and already, i'm in love.

i'm in love with cold toes and fluffy sweaters. crackling bonfires and the barest tinges of red and gold brushing their fingers over the emerald leaves.

yesterday was the first day of autumn. the first day of my 21st year. opening night of my show, photographs forthcoming.

it's so funny how one day can change the course of an entire train of life.

autumn makes me random. 

summer makes me full, but autumn scrambles my circuits

in the best of ways.

there is so much here to take in, so much restoration found in this fading of life.

autumn is effortless. it feels like summer takes so much work, so much strength to endure. yes, it is the time of vacations and topsy-turvy schedules. but it's work to stay out of the loop.

it's beautiful. 

i like this so much better. i like this feeling of sweet richness that the fall months bring. 

this kiss of apple cider, of pie and cinnamon, this bundling quilt and cute boots weather.

i can't stop falling in love

with fall.


  1. God has given you a shining gift in your way with words. It's beautiful.

  2. ahhh i love the sweetness.
    today we had rain, but there's always something to be in love with; hot coffee and how good it goes with a cold, rainy fall day.

  3. So beautifully put.
    I'm falling in love all over again with fall too.

  4. I want apple cider and baking now. Do you know how much I love autumn? See you soon!


I look at you and see all the ways a soul can bruise, and I wish I could sink my hands into your flesh and light lanterns along your spine so you know there's nothing but light when I see you. :: Shinji Moon